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61 NX3DV221 High-speed USB 2.0 switch with enable 1071K PHILIPS 155432
62 NX3DV221 High-speed USB 2.0 switch with enable 1071K NXP 479824
63 NX3DV221GM High-speed USB 2.0 switch with enable 1071K NXP 479825
64 NX3DV221GM High-speed USB 2.0 switch with enable 1071K PHILIPS 155433
65 NX3DV3899 Dual double-pole double-throw analog switch 666K NXP 155434
66 NX3DV3899GU Dual double-pole double-throw analog switch 666K NXP 155435
67 NX3DV3899HR Dual double-pole double-throw analog switch 666K NXP 155436
68 NX3DV42 Dual high-speed USB 2.0 double-pole double-throw analog 811K NXP 479826
69 NX3DV42GM Dual high-speed USB 2.0 double-pole double-throw analog 811K NXP 479827
70 NX3DV42GU Dual high-speed USB 2.0 double-pole double-throw analog 811K NXP 479828
71 NX3L1G3157 Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 231K NXP 1493329
72 NX3L1G3157 Low-ohmic, single-pole, double-throw switch 122K NXP 3121973
73 NX3L1G3157_10 Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 231K NXP 1495429
74 NX3L1G3157GM Low-ohmic, single-pole, double-throw switch 122K NXP 3121972
75 NX3L1G3157GM Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 231K NXP 1495092
76 NX3L1G3157GW Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 231K NXP 1493328
77 NX3L1G384 Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 152K NXP 1493326
78 NX3L1G384 Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 223K NXP 155437
79 NX3L1G384_11 Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 223K NXP 155440
80 NX3L1G384GM Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 223K NXP 155438
81 NX3L1G384GM Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 152K NXP 1495090
82 NX3L1G384GW Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 152K NXP 1493731
83 NX3L1G384GW Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 223K NXP 155439
84 NX3L1G53 Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 514K NXP 1495088
85 NX3L1G53GD Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 514K NXP 1495086
86 NX3L1G53GM Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 514K NXP 1495079
87 NX3L1G53GT Low-ohmic single-pole double-throw analog switch 514K NXP 1494622
88 NX3L1G66 Low-ohmic single-pole single-throw analog switch 148K NXP 1495077
89 NX3L1G66 Low-voltage analog switch 116K NXP 3121971
90 NX3L1G66GM Low-voltage analog switch 116K NXP 3121970