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- 254800k
- The AxxxxS -2W series of industrial temperature range DC/DC converters are the standard building blocks for on-board point-of-use power systems. They are ideally suited for providing dual rail supplies on single rail boards with the added benefit of galvanic isolation to reduce circuit noise. All of the rated power may be drawn from a single pin provided the total load does not exceed 2 watts. Pin compatibility with the AxxxxS-1W series ensures minimal effort in upgrading distributed power systems.
- 100370QI
- 1060872-1
- 1-1634612-0
- 194D106X0050D2T
- 20438
- 2SB1417
- 2SJ213
- 54H103DMQB
- 556881-3
- 74AHC1G125GV125
- 74HC157AP
- 91930-21111LF
- ADP2152A
- AM29F040B-120JC\T
- B72650M171K72
- BZV55-C9V1,115
- CGGJ2N4117
- CK0076R3.0
- CXA2561Q
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- 16084386
- 20CTQ150
- 2SA1385-Z-K
- 3174SB/699010227
- 54LS386A
- 5962-3829415MZA
- 71PL064J80BAWQ1
- 78H12
- A42MX24-2PQ160
- AD7798BRU
- AD7898AR-3
- AM29LV160BE-70PFTN
- BAS16XV2T1
- BB814E6327GR1
- BT9604
- BUK210-50Y
- BZX55C16
- C317C221J1G5CA7301
- CRCW0603-3160FRT1-E3