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1 STK4182 AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) (45W + 45W min, THD = 0.4%) 259K SANYO 4335156
2 STK4182II AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) (45W + 45W min, THD = 0.4%) 259K SANYO 4335155
3 STK4182II Features of the IMST Hybird ICs 1638K ETC 4335154
4 STK4182II Features of the IMST Hybird ICs 1643K ETC1 1282656
5 STK4182V Features of the IMST Hybird ICs 1638K ETC 4335153
6 STK4182V Features of the IMST Hybird ICs 1643K ETC1 1282839