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1 MAX109 8-Bit, 2.2Gsps ADC with Track/Hold Amplifier and 1:4 Demultiplexed LVDS Outputs 446K MAXIM 2344298
2 MAX1090 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437658
3 MAX1090ACEI 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4549599
4 MAX1090AEEI 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4672379
5 MAX1090BCEI 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437657
6 MAX1090BEEI 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4672380
7 MAX1091 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4437656
8 MAX1091 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62927
9 MAX1091ACEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4554412
10 MAX1091ACEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62928
11 MAX1091AEEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4672377
12 MAX1091AEEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62929
13 MAX1091BCEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4437655
14 MAX1091BCEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62930
15 MAX1091BEEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4672378
16 MAX1091BEEI 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62931
17 MAX1092 400ksps.+5V.8-/4-Channel.10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 510K MAXIM 3582494
18 MAX1092ACEG 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437654
19 MAX1092ACEI Analog to Digital Converter 414K MAXIM 3582493
20 MAX1092AEEG 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437653
21 MAX1092AEEI Analog to Digital Converter 414K MAXIM 3582491
22 MAX1092BCEG 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437652
23 MAX1092BCEI Analog to Digital Converter 414K MAXIM 3582490
24 MAX1092BEEG 400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 414K MAXIM 4437651
25 MAX1092BEEI Analog to Digital Converter 414K MAXIM 3582488
26 MAX1093 250ksps.+3V.8-/4-Channel.10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 279K MAXIM 3582486
27 MAX1093ACEG 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4554233
28 MAX1093ACEG 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62932
29 MAX1093AEEG 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 332K MAXIM 4554203
30 MAX1093AEEG 250ksps, +3V, 8-/4-Channel, 10-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel Interface 413K MAXIM 62933