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1 HT48R062 八位高性能精简指令集单片机,专为经济型多输入输出控制的产品设计 708K HOLTEK 3345007
2 HT48R062 Cost-Effective I/O Type 8-Bit MCU 226K HOLTEK 3249960
3 HT48R063 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1823162
4 HT48R063 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108870
5 HT48R063_10 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108868
6 HT48R063B HOLTEK(台湾盛群)型号列表(2012.7). 2533K 暂无图片 482868
7 HT48R063B Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 495K HOLTEK 108869
8 HT48R064 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1823183
9 HT48R064 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108867
10 HT48R064B Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 495K HOLTEK 108866
11 HT48R064D Enhanced I/O Type MCU with High Current LED Driver 571K HOLTEK 108865
12 HT48R064G Enhanced I/O Type MCU with OPA 749K HOLTEK 108864
13 HT48R065 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1824814
14 HT48R065 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108863
15 HT48R065B Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 495K HOLTEK 108862
16 HT48R065D Enhanced I/O Type MCU with High Current LED Driver 571K HOLTEK 108861
17 HT48R065G Enhanced I/O Type MCU with OPA 749K HOLTEK 108860
18 HT48R065V 24V VFD Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 406K HOLTEK 1823181
19 HT48R066 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1823159
20 HT48R066 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108859
21 HT48R0662 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1823179
22 HT48R0662 HOLTEK(威盛)型号列表2012.4 1720K 暂无图片 483760
23 HT48R0662 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108858
24 HT48R0662G Enhanced I/O Type MCU with OPA 749K HOLTEK 108857
25 HT48R066B Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 495K HOLTEK 108856
26 HT48R066D Enhanced I/O Type MCU with High Current LED Driver 571K HOLTEK 108855
27 HT48R066G Enhanced I/O Type 8-bit OTP MCU with OPA 522K HOLTEK 108854
28 HT48R066G Enhanced I/O Type MCU with OPA 749K HOLTEK 108853
29 HT48R067 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 552K HOLTEK 1824812
30 HT48R067 Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU 646K HOLTEK 108852