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1 CS8361 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4529021
2 CS8361 AC-DC Offline Switching Controllers/Regulators 3900K ON 2612330
3 CS8361/D 5V Dual Micropower Low DropoutRegulator with ENABLEbar and RESETbar 76K 暂无图片 3608257
4 CS8361YDPS7 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981776
5 CS8361YDPSR7 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981771
6 CS8361YDW20 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981852
7 CS8361YDWF16 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981849
8 CS8361YDWFR16 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981842
9 CS8361YDWR20 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4981833
10 CS8361YN16 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4990005
11 CS8361YT7 5V Dual Micropower Low Dropout Regulator with ENABLE and RESET 173K CHERRY 4969403