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序号 型号 描述 大小 厂家Logo 下载
1 ATMEGA645 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122764
2 ATMEGA645 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122763
3 ATMEGA645 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122762
4 ATmega645 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924653
5 ATMEGA645/V 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 3236095
6 ATMEGA6450 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122761
7 ATMEGA6450 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122760
8 ATMEGA6450 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122759
9 ATmega6450 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924652
10 ATMEGA6450/V 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122752
11 ATMEGA6450-16AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122758
12 ATMEGA6450-16AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122757
13 ATMEGA6450-16AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122756
14 ATmega6450-16AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924651
15 ATMEGA6450-16AJ 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122755
16 ATMEGA6450-16AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122754
17 ATMEGA6450-16AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122753
18 ATmega6450-16AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924650
19 ATMEGA6450V 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122751
20 ATMEGA6450V 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122750
21 ATmega6450V 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924649
22 ATMEGA6450V-8AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122749
23 ATMEGA6450V-8AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122748
24 ATMEGA6450V-8AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122747
25 ATmega6450V-8AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924648
26 ATMEGA6450V-8AJ 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 2122746
27 ATMEGA6450V-8AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 330K ATMEL 2122745
28 ATMEGA6450V-8AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 3311K ATMEL 2122744
29 ATmega6450V-8AU 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 799K ATMEL 924647
30 ATMEGA645-16AI 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash 2792K ATMEL 3211955