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AP1110 datasheet pdf 下载

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1 AP1110 TRANSISTOR | BJT | NPN | 100V V(BR)CEO | 70A I(C) | TO-114 51K 暂无图片 AP1110
2 AP1110 朗弗科技股份有限公司(RFIC)是一家通過ISO9001認證,以設計研發與製造各種射頻端通訊系統(手機/手持式裝置/WLAN/基地台)使用的關鍵零組件的Design house,技術團隊是由在高頻元件製程、設計、測試領域上非常知名的專家所組成,每一位均擁有近二十年的RFIC設計相關經驗,同時對通訊世界懷著高度熱忱,並且具備良好的國內外產業關係,致力為RF零組件的技術研發注入新力量。 110K RFMD AP1110
3 AP1110 AP1110 is a linear, low current power amplifier in ISM band utilizing InGaP /GaAs HBT process. The AP1110 is well suitable to be used for portable, low current 2.4GHz applications as well as for BT (Bluetooth) Class1 applications. The main features of AP1110 involve 2x2 compact profile; signal gain at 26 dB; typical power of 23dBm and PAE of 40% for BT Class1 under 3.3V. It is housed in a 2 x 2 (mm), 8-pin, and DFN leadless package. 106K RFMD AP1110