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- 566280k
- The 33886 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional thrust solenoid control. The IC incorporates internal control logic, charge pump, gate drive, and low RDS(ON) MOSFET output circuitry. The 33886 is able to control continuous inductive DC load currents up to 5.0 A. Output loads can be pulse width modulated (PWM-ed) at frequencies up to 10 kHz
- 02-09-2103
- 08055A121GAT2A
- 14-113270-03
- 160103J630C-F
- 172-025-242R001
- 212491-1
- 25LKB200SU
- 2SD1776
- 3330VES
- 6.21E+12
- 6363RF
- 74HCT245PW
- 74LX1G14CTR
- AA4003GTR-E1
- AIC1086-25PY
- AO7401
- BC856ALT3
- C3225Y5V1C106ZT000N
- CN2A4TE470J
- COP87L40CJM-3N
- 06032R102J100BA
- 1-640599-0
- 1714672V2
- 2524-6002UB
- 2N6754
- 513SS16
- 53324-0260
- 7-1437061-5
- 74ABTH182504APMG4
- 74F541NS
- 74LS240SC
- AD7537JN.KN
- AN7363K
- AT28HC256-70PC
- BAT15-04WE6327
- BT151-650C
- CAT1163PI-42
- CD1019CP
- CF72108